Club Rules

A brief outline of the rules are detailed below with a full list at the bottom of this page.

  • No playing without a table light on.
  • Smoking area is outside at the top of the stairs or outside downstairs.
  • No smoking or food to be consumed in the playing area whilst using the tables.
  • Wash hands after eating prior to touching the snooker tables or balls.
  • If other players are waiting for a table, max 1 hour playing time before releasing the table to the next player. Waiting players should write their name on the chalk board by the sink.
  • Mobile phones to be on silent except in certain circumstances i.e on call emergency responder.
  • Each member has an access card which allows entry into the club and enables the table light. If lost replacement cards can be supplied at a charge of £20. Cards must not be passed to non members.
  • All access doors are to remain closed, and last member leaving should ensure fire exit is bolted and all doors/gates are closed and locked.
  • We enjoy 24/7 access to the club. Please ensure minimal noise especially when leaving the club to avoid disturbing our neighbours. This is a privilege which can be revoked by our landlord.
  • We have no refuse collection so where possible, please take any rubbish home with you that you bring in. Bins are provided for rubbish from purchases from the club only.
  • No drugs to be consumed anywhere on the hall grounds.

Club Rules

Mobile Phones

Emergency use only e.g. doctor on call within the club facilities. Phones can be used for social media etc but MUST be on silent. Otherwise please use them outside the club facilities.

No Smoking – Smokers are requested to use the smoking areas listed above. Please keep the area tidy and discard cigarette ends etc in bins provided.

Playing Area – It is not permitted to play without the table lights switched on.

Smoking and food consumption is prohibited in the playing area whilst using the tables.

All equipment and balls must be put away after use and tables knapped and covered if no other players are waiting to use it.

If the club is busy please play for just one hour and then give the table to the next member listed on the chalk board.


The entrance doors to the main hall and the snooker hall must be kept closed at all times. The last person leaving at any time must ensure the lights are off, the window shutters down and that the doors (including the emergency exit doors) are firmly closed. Please respect our neighbours and leave quietly.

Door Entry Cards

All members are provided with a club access card, to gain access to the snooker room. Access to the outside door is via a key code. Access is available 24/7.

Membership cards will be deactivated if rules are not abided by or if light bill is not payed within 7 days of receipt of invoice. If a member loses his/her card or the card is damaged or does not work as it should then it should be reported to a member of the management team who are responsible for the management and service of the cards. The issue of a new card without the old one being handed in will incur a replacement fee of £20. Under NO circumstances may cards be passed to non-members for entry to the premises of the Club or to the snooker hall. Infringement of this rule may result in loss of membership.

Amendment of Rules

These rules may be added to, repealed or amended by the management team at any time.

Sports Club Rules

All members are bound by the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Club and by any Bye-laws of the Club and if any conflict should arise between the rules of the Section and those of the Club the rules of the Club shall prevail.

Match nights

On Mondays & Wednesdays match nights, the tables will not generally be available due to league matches. However, if there is only one team at home, with prior agreement from the management team, a table may be available for use. Any individual matches (league or club) must be posted on the chalk board with time, date and table being used.